A great big thank-you to Peninsula Co-op for generously offering to match donations made toward our Surgical Services campaign.

Our community responded enthusiastically and we are thrilled to announce that the $10,000 match was achieved. You really did “rev up” your support! Our gratitude to every donor and to Peninsula Co-op whose community support is vital.

With the ambitious goal to provide what is on our current priority list for Surgical Services, over $200,000 is needed. What an incredible start we have made!

And guess what? We have received wonderful news from a local philanthropist who wants to continue to inspire our community to give in support of exceptional local healthcare. She is passionate about ensuring our hospital is well-equipped to care for our growing, aging population and we look forward to sharing more about her pledge and how you can get involved in the coming days.

Photo: Avry Janes and Rhonda Stevens, Co-Executive Directors of the Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation, celebrate with Jordan Babbage, Peninsula Co-op’s Regional Manager of the North Island.