Foundation News2021-11-12T11:22:30-08:00

Foundation News

Gratitude for Community Health Services Staff πŸ™πŸ πŸŽ

December 23rd, 2020|

Community Health Services staff provide essential services to our community. Throughout this past year these healthcare workers have ensured Comox Valley residents continue to be safely supported and cared [...]

The gratitude for healthcare workers keeps coming! πŸ™πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

December 17th, 2020|

The second round of gifts were purchased from OMG Macarons who made special heart shaped confections for the occasion. During December, gifts of gratitude from the [...]

Community Update: Comox Valley students bring cheer to seniors

December 14th, 2020|

Looking for a bit of good news in the Comox Valley? Here's a touching video of Huband Elementary students showing their artwork and singing Jingle Bells to the residents of The Views. The students have [...]

Comox Legion donates to The Views to provide care for residents, including our Veterans

October 30th, 2020|

"The Comox Legion Branch 160 is pleased to present the Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation a $3500 donation for use by The Views to provide patient lifts. These funds were raised during the 2019 Poppy Campaign [...]

National Respiratory Therapy Week in the Comox Valley

October 29th, 2020|

It is National Respiratory Therapy Week. Our sincere appreciation for respiratory therapists who are highly trained health professionals specializing in airway management, the treatment of respiratory related conditions and the education of patients and their [...]

Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation evolving in its support of healthcare in the Valley

September 16th, 2020|

Since 1993, the Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation (formerly St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation) through the generous support of donors and volunteers, has been enhancing quality health care in our community. The Foundation’s Board of Directors are [...]

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