Foundation News2021-11-12T11:22:30-08:00

Foundation News

Oct. 1, 2017: Opening of Comox Valley Hospital

July 12th, 2016|

On October 1st the North Island Hospital Comox Valley campus will officially open to the public. Our Foundation office will be located in the Level 1 lobby near the main entrance. Make sure you pop [...]

Sept. 26, 2017: CVHF’s AGM

July 12th, 2016|

Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation's Annual General Meeting is set for September 26th this year at St. Joseph's Hospital. All members are welcome! Date: Sept. 26, 2017 Where: St. Joseph's Hospital, conference room A Open to [...]

Why our Foundation will change its name this June

May 16th, 2016|

Have you heard? St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation will change its name this June. With the opening of the new Comox Valley Hospital in late 2017, and the upcoming redevelopment of St. Joseph’s Hospital into a [...]

Help Bridge the Healthcare Gap in the Comox Valley

March 24th, 2016|

True or False: hospitals are Government funded and, therefore, do not need private funds from donations. False. The Government does not fully fund healthcare in our community hospital – that’s where our Hospital Foundation comes [...]

Courtenay Legion donates $10,000 for Oximeters

March 10th, 2016|

The Royal Canadian Legion Courtenay Branch #17 presented a cheque for $10,000 to the St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation on Wednesday, March 2 to purchase two pulse oximeters for St. Joseph’s Hospital’s Cardio-Pulmonary Services. From [...]

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