A Letter from Gordon Carter

As I approach retirement this month as the Director of Pastoral Care, Mission and Medical Ethics at St. Joseph’s Hospital, I have been looking back at my 10 years here. Memories flood my mind. I recall times that even now seem like a blur the way moments of crises are often experienced.

Other times are frozen in my mind … offered up like an old black and white photo Times of unspeakable sorrow mixed with moments that have the scent of heaven …  tears and belly laughs and everything in between. Such is the life in our busy little community Hospital.

But through all these years, my most lasting memories are those of my colleagues … those in the “trenches,” as well as Administration, Board of Management, and our volunteers. It is has been the greatest pleasure of my working career to be part of an organization with so many bright, compassionate and hard working people committed to providing health care to our community. And although my career at St. Joseph’s has come to an end, my commitment hasn’t. Our Hospital is too important for that. I have been invited to volunteer with the Hospital Foundation and it is in that capacity that I write this letter to you.

Over the years I have come to understand that for our Hospital to continue to provide the quality of care that our community deserves, the “human resources” need to be complemented by technology.

Statistically, it is believed that one out of two men over the age of 60 years will suffer from enlargement of the prostate or prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). With the advances that have been made in technology the New Green Light Laser therapy treatment is non-invasive and doesn’t require a Hospital stay. These  benefits and many others vastly improve our ability to address a health problem that touches all of us in some way.

Last year I was made more aware of the importance of prostate health when I attended the public lecture at NIC sponsored by the Prostate Support Group in the Valley. I had driven by a group of men standing on the side of Dyke Road early one morning and had been struck by the realization that these men were concerned for my health. I decided that moment to attend the lecture and subsequently, I had a physical exam. Following the exam, it was recommended that I receive close follow up given the “irregular” shape of my prostate. With the words “irregular shape,” I suddenly understood the importance of prevention and early intervention. It was an anxious moment but it seems that all is well now. I am very thankful for those men on the Dyke who cared enough to publicly urge me to take preventive measures.

Our community has always displayed an amazing spirit of generosity. Together we can raise the funds to purchase GreenLight Laser technology for our Hospital and vastly improve our ability to enhance patient care Please help our Hospital Foundation assure that the best in modern technology is available to our staff so they can continue to offer you and your loved ones the best of care.

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St. Joseph’s 20th Annual Charity Golf Tournament


Green Light Laser Update