Our Annual Letter
Dear Friends,
Every year St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation requests your support to help enhance patient care for the patients and families of our community. Together, with your continued support we can ensure that updated equipment, renovation projects and new technology are available when we need them most.Many of the departments at the hospital are in need of updated equipment; one of the immediate needs is in the Operating Room.In the Operating Room the GreenLight ™ Laser is used in the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), which is the enlargement of the prostate. GreenLight Laser therapy has become the gold standard for such treatment and is the only BPH treatment that can fully shift in-patients to outpatient status, as well as offering many other patient benefits, according to Dr. William Tinmouth, St. Joseph’s Urologist.Meanwhile, proposed changes to St. Joseph’s General Hospital and future plans for a regional hospital are paramount in the minds of many Comox Valley residents these days. Many decisions are still to be made, and we, the St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation, with the ongoing support of the community, can continue to work diligently to provide the financial support needed by the hospital in order to enhance equipment, as well as expand and/or renovate as needed.We thank you for your continued support which means the GreenLight ™ Laser as well as the upcoming Palliative Care Project and renovations at The Views in Extended Care are leading the way to help meet the growing needs in healthcare in our community.
Lynn DashkewytchExecutive DirectorSt. Joseph’s General Hospital Foundation