The Future St. Joseph's Hospital
With the announcement of the new hospital site, people are wondering what the future has in store for St. Joseph's General Hospital.The 2010 population for the North Island was 121,045 and is forecasted to increase to 149,661 by 2030. This population is growing most extensively in the age group of 65 and over. A site has been selected for a new Hospital and the planning stage has begun. From the information available to date; Complex Care, Hospice/Palliative and Primary Care appear to be the most firm for the St. Joseph’s site after the new Hospital is complete. (Primary Care is a growing new field and can include a broad spectrum of ambulatory, clinical and non-clinical services such telemedicine, specialty clinics, support groups etc.) In the interim we have at least 5 years of great need to maintain our current services.During this time St. Joseph’s continues to provide the growing need for medical care in all departments. Community support is far reaching and simply put we cannot do this without your help.So to summarize...- SJGH has at least 5 years of great need to maintain the current services- SJGH will maintain existing services without deterioration and will continue to expand, enhance, update equipment as needed to meet the needs of our growing population until the new Hospital is built- After the new Hospital is built from the information available to date; Complex Care, Hospice/Palliative and Primary Care appear to be the most firm for the St. Joseph’s site.If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Complex Care - Residential care of patients with health conditions that can not be cared for at home and require skilled nursing care along with assistance in carrying out the activities of daily living, ie bathing, eating, taking medication, toileting, dressing.
Primary Care – any care not carried out in an acute hospital for ambulatory patients. Its definition is growing daily and varies from location to location. Can include; clinics for specialty services, ie wound care, chronic diseases (diabetes, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Tele-health, etc.