Message from the Chair

In my time on the Foundation Board I have had the opportunity to speak to many concerning the important role the Foundation plays in the Comox Valley. More often than not, the main point I try to ensure is heard is that the Hospital Foundation is one of the few charities that are almost guaranteed to touch your life. Whether it is for you, your family, a neighbour, or, close friend, the medical equipment purchased by the Foundation will help provide a better quality of health care.This January, medical care became a much larger issue for the Doran’s as cancer entered our family. As others who have experienced this diagnosis will attest, once the medical treatments begin, you’re swept along through a series of appointments, tests, surgeries, and, scans. You are easily overwhelmed by it all. It was while we were waiting for a CT scan that I saw a plaque on the wall recognizing the role that Dr. Bob Clarke played in raising $600,000 for the purchase of the CT scan. It was hard not to reflect on what his efforts, and all the unnamed others, has meant to the medical care provided to the citizens of the Comox Valley.Since then, I have looked back at what the Foundation has accomplished with an even greater sense of gratitude. The operating room, diagnostic imaging, nuclear medicine, and chemo care have all been recipients of equipment purchased by the Foundation. The care Kate, and all other similar patients, have been given is enhanced through your donations. You are making a difference to the lives of so many. As you will read elsewhere in our newsletter, your donations are still needed to fill in some very pressing needs. I strongly urge you to consider what the best possible medical care means to you and your family.

Sean Doran,

Caribou Creative
Hello. We're Caribou Creative, a graphic design studio in the Comox Valley that wholeheartedly believes successful businesses stem from great design. Our focus is on identity, print, packaging and web design.

St. Joseph's General Hospital: Today and Beyond


Greenlight Laser Therapy Follow Up