Comox Valley Therapists join together to raise funds for Exercise Equipment

Pictured in the photo (left to right):  Sean Murphy RMT, Gerlinde Park -OT in Cumberland, Diana Kutyn-OT St. Joseph’s, Sue Cook PT- Somatics Plus, Dan Belcher PT Courtenay Physiotherapy, Joanie Chestnut RMT SomaticsPlus,Lynn Dashkewytch- Executive Director St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation, Jane Murphy- President and CEO of St. Joseph’s General Hospital Foundation, John Patrick – Foundation Representative, Brenda Phillips – Director of The Views Activities, Jill Nelson Rehab Assistant at The Views, Loreen Hunter and Roy Benson residents at The Views.

A wonderful Community program is now underway to support the purchase Exercise Equipment for The P.A.R.C. – Physical Activation and Recreation Center at The Views (formerly called the Extended Care Unit) at St. Joseph’s General Hospital.

The community program “Mobilize for the PARC” started when Joanie Chestnut RMT at SomaticsPlus who cares for a resident at the Views heard about the need for recreational and activation therapy equipment for the new facility. Her thought was the Valley has a large community of therapists from different disciplines and as therapists, the goal of their work is fundamentally the same as The Parc Project: Mobility and Well-being. She was encouraged by the concept that the community therapists could partner with St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation to help raise the money needed.

Joanie soon formed a team of several other professionals that shared her vision. They include Dr. Rick Houlgrave – Houlgrave Chiropractic, Gerlinde Park-Occupational Therapist, Courtenay Physiotherapy, Tenth St. Chiropractic, Dan Belcher of Courtenay Physiotherapy, Dr. Liza Grant of Tenth Street Chiropractic, Sean Murphy of Valley Healing Therapeutic Massage, Dr. Rick Houlgrave of Houlgrave Chiropractic and Gerlinde Park Occupational Therapist and of course Joanie Chestnut RMT SomaticsPlus leading the team.

The residents who live at The Views have “complex care needs” and have wide variety of activity levels. The goal is to enhance and maintain the resident’s current levels of mobility, activity and mental wellness with attention to safety. To achieve this, an area of The Views is being renovated to gain space to allow the 125 residents to remain active.

The renovation was made possible thanks to gracious donations from RBC Foundation, The Courtenay and Comox Legions, the Fitness Businesses and 100’s of individual donations from the community, Views Residents and their families.

The goal now is to raise the funds to furnish this area with the various pieces of exercise and therapy equipment. Donations will come from the therapist community with their big drive to Mobilize for the PARC on November 15th as well as the patients and the patients of participating clinics that wish to support this.

Joanie and her team will be out in the community over the next 2 weeks to share the concept so fellow therapist and patients can help with this worthwhile, community building endeavour!

Your Donations

With any donations over $250.00 the donor will receive:

  • A glass brick that will be engraved to commemorate your generosity and placed on our Legacy of Life Wall in The Views

  • A personal thank you, tax receipt and listing in the newspaper

  • An invitation to The Grand Opening of The P.A.R.C (date TBD)

Our Sponsors

We would like to thank all of our generous donors and supporters!

Physiotherapy Clinics:
Courtenay PhysiotherapyAscent PhysiotherapyCoastal PhysiotherapyRehab in MotionThe Joint
Gentle Hands Physiotherapy
BodyworxPattiwhackersSomaticsPlus (Susan Cook)
Linda Maasz

Registered Massage Therapists:
Joanie Chestnut RMT - SomaticsPlus
Sean Murphy RMT - Valley Healing Massage
Braidwood Massage Therapy
Shannon Lisch RMT - Momentum Massage Therapy
Shannon Seeley RMT
Dean Silvester RMT - Summit Therapeutic and Sports Massage Clinic
Kirsten Werner RMT
Tara Miller RMT
Katie White RMT
Jan Shields RMT
Shawnna Karras RMT
Harbourview Massage Therapy
Matt Romyn RMT - Kin Aspire Therapeutic Massage
Carolyn Thir RMT
Comox Valley Therapeutic Massage
Kirsten Warner RMT,
Tara Miller RMT,
Carolyn Brett RMT - Cumberland Massage Therapy

Guthrie Acupuncture (Peter Day)
Comox Valley Acupuncture (Dr. Michelle Hughes DTCM)
Dr. Stirling Desmond DTCM

Dr. Rick Cockwill and Dr. David Audia
Tenth Street Chiropractic (Dr. Liza Grant, Dr. Sandra Jensen, Dr. Robin Rae)
Bayview Chiropractic (Dr. Debbie Wright, Dr. Alicia Steeles)
Dr. Rick Houlgrave

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