One Hundred Years ... A Thousand Stories


Share your story and be part of the commemoration of St. Joseph's General Hospital's Centennial.

St. Joseph's General Hospital is 100 years old this year and to celebrate, the Foundation has launched an exciting fundraiser to reach deep into the community and pull out heart-felt words from the people for whom they proudly serves.

Over the past hundred years, St. Joseph's General Hospital has served the health care needs of the Comox Valley and surrounding communities. The rate and pace of development, size and change has been dramatic to meet the diverse change in our growing region. From a small cottage serving resource industry workers in a then remote settlement, to today's modern facility - that is again on the cusp of change - St. Joseph's General Hospital has been part of the lives of many. Everyone has a story to share, an event to celebrate, or someone special to commemorate. This is your opportunity to contribute your own bit of history to an historic celebration.

We are looking for one thousand stories to celebrate Care with Compassion... 100 Years of Service. A $100 donation allows you to purchase your year, and submit a commemorative story detailing your special memory of St. Joseph's General Hospital and life here in the Comox Valley. Celebrate the birth of a daughter in 1962, or a grandfather in 1937; perhaps you underwent lifesaving surgery in 1982 or, were a volunteer at the hospital in 1956. Share your story and lend your support to the St. Joseph's One Hundred Years * A Thousand Stories fundraiser.

Commemorative stories of your chosen year can be shared in a simple single dedication line or a paragraph of up to 100 words. Submit an accompanying photograph if you so desire with your donation to the Foundation Office. We will share your tender words on the Foundation website. Names and chosen year of significance will be mounted on a large banner that will be featured at various local venues throughout the year and then on permanent display in the hospital foyer thereafter.

The first donor has already responded to what promised to be a very exciting, well-received campaign. Pastoral Care of St. Joseph's has made a $100 donation to 2012 for Father Joseph "Joe" Killoran in dedication to his 90th birthday. Father Joe has faithfully delivered Thursday morning Mass at the hospital chapel for the past 17 years and has provided several years of service to our community. Who do you wish to make a dedication to?

There is no limit to the number of donors for any given year but act fast as we will gather only those donation made before 31 March for the banner display.

Donate Online

Click here to Donate Online. Make sure you add in the details about your dedication in the instruction/message box on the online form.

Donate in Person

Visit the Foundation Office in the main lobby at 2137 Comox Avenue, or contact us at 250-890-3046.

Caribou Creative
Hello. We're Caribou Creative, a graphic design studio in the Comox Valley that wholeheartedly believes successful businesses stem from great design. Our focus is on identity, print, packaging and web design.

St. Josephโ€™s Centennial Events โ€“ January to November


Courtenay Legion Branch 17 Donation