100 Years,100 Needs Wish List
Your donations help sustain and enhance the quality of care in many areas of the hospital. Some of the items on the 100 years 100 needs wislist include:
Mammography Monitors |
$20,000 |
Waiting Room Chairs/Furniture- Emergency |
$12,000 |
2 Stretchers - Patient flow Emergency |
$14,000 |
8 Room Refurbishments at the Views |
$62,500 |
10 Commodes for Acute care |
$8,000 |
6 Broda Chairs - The Views |
$18,000 |
Interferential Current - Rehab Services |
$3,000 |
Laser - Rehab Services |
$3,000 |
Computerized Drug Delivery Pump |
$5,000 |