Record Breaking Christmas Mailing Raises over $123,000 to Support Cardiac Care
During November, December and January generous individuals, businesses and organizations donated over $123,000 to support the purchase of new innovative cardiac care equipment. This was a 27% increase over the previous year’s total and a record for St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation’s Christmas campaign.
“We are extremely grateful for the outpouring of support from the community” says Lynn Dashkewytch – Executive Director for St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation. “This new equipment will allow the cardiac care unit at St. Joseph’s to reach a new level of technology in diagnosis and monitoring.
“Having the latest cardiac equipment to treat patients is critical to providing great care and saving lives,” explains Jane Murphy, President/CEO of St. Joseph’s General Hospital. “St. Joseph’s must continually update the equipment and technology to ensure that the people of the Comox Valley receive the very best care today and though the transition to the new hospital in 2017.”
The new equipment needed for the unit includes;
• a Pulmonary Function Test machine
• 3 additional Pulse Oximeters
• a new Holter Monitor system.
This equipment will provide many patient benefits that include:
• decreased wait times for treatment
• ease and comfort in use
• highly accurate readings
• faster, more efficient patient testing.
All this equipment will be available for transfer to the new Comox Valley Hospital in 2017.
Pictured in the soon to be new Cardiac Care Unit at St. Joseph’s are members of The Royal Canadian Legion Comox Branch 160 Stu McKinnon, John Paulin and Norma Hanson presenting a cheque to St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation for $5,000.
Pictured in the photo Brenda Kelm and Lynn Dashkewytch St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation, Craig Dickson – Chief Cardio Pulmonary Therapist, Cassie Lescorbeau – Cardio Technologist, Wanda McMillan – Department Manager and Jane Murphy President/CEO St. Joseph’s General Hospital
Because of the generosity of donors to The Hospital Foundation, new and innovative technology will be available to support the patients that come to St. Joseph’s for care.
The New Cardiac Care Unit is under construction and is expected to be open in April 2015. The unit will be located where the old administration office area was on the main floor. Administration was relocated to the 38 wing to accommodate this change. The new Cardiac Care Unit is part of the space management initiative supported by Island Health and St. Joseph’s Hospital. The initiative is a proactive approach to help support the growing needs in healthcare now as we transition to the new Comox Valley Hospital in 2017.
The Hospital Foundation raises money for equipment and renovations that are not funded through Vancouver Island Health Authority. If you or your organization would like to make a donation please contact the Lynn at the Foundation office at (250) 331-5957.