A Community that Cares: Len and Lenore Cook

(Photo courtesy of Jim Peacock)

“We feel indebted to St. Joseph’s for the diagnoses and treatments over the years,” praised Lenore. “We are so fortunate to have this high level testing, treatment and care right here in our own neighbourhood. It is such a wonderful compliment to go with the level of treatment I received in Victoria. We have peace of mind knowing the care is available for all of us now and will continue when the new hospital is built. At 85 I still feel vibrant and young at heart and we can still look forward to travelling together.”

Caribou Creative
Hello. We're Caribou Creative, a graphic design studio in the Comox Valley that wholeheartedly believes successful businesses stem from great design. Our focus is on identity, print, packaging and web design.

Coming June 17th - 25th St. Joseph’s Hospital/Mindset Wealth Golf Tournament


Legacy Gift: Mel and Frances Thomas