A $6,000,000 gift to the community
representatives of the recipient organizations surround a photo of Catherine Aitken. From left – Audrey Craig (president, Comox Valley Hospice Society), Lynn Dashkewytch (executive director, St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation), Robert Buckley (chair, NIC Foundation), Norm Carruthers (president, Comox Valley Community Foundation) and Erin Petersen (NIC). — image credit: Terry Farrell
by Earle Couper – Comox Valley Record
Catherine Mary Aitken contributed much to the Comox Valley during her lifetime. And she will continue to do so in perpetuity.
Affectionately known as “Mamie,” Aitken passed away in January 2015 and left a legacy of $6 million to be shared among four organizations.
Money in the Aitken Fund will be invested and each year the income allotted in equal parts to the Comox Valley Community Foundation, North Island College, St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation and the Comox Valley Hospice Society.
“This generous gift is a game changer for the foundation and the Comox Valley,” says CVCF president Dr. Norman Carruthers. “It will have a profound impact on the Valley, and keep on giving to the community for generations to come.”
The CVCF was established in 1996 and currently has endowment funds in excess of $5 million. The foundation has distributed over $1.5 million to the community since inception, including a record $200,000 this year.