Comox Legion buys beds for Residential Care
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 160 President Dave Kelly (left) and Poppy Chair John Paulin (far right) present a cheque for $5,000 to Michael Aikins, Manager of The Views and Lynn Dashkewytch, Executive Director of Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation.
It’s no secret that the Comox Legion has supported St. Joseph’s Hospital, and many other Comox Valley charities, for decades.
Since 1998 alone, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 160 has donated more than $60,000 to our community hospital through the Foundation.
This summer, the Comox Legion has designated its donation of $5,000 to The Views, St. Joseph’s Residential Care facility. This money will help purchase three new specialty beds and mattresses for The Views, and will help the Foundation reach its goal to replace 31 beds and mattresses.
“The Legion sees great value for our dollar by supporting the Foundation’s campaign to purchase new beds for Residential Care,” says John Paulin, Poppy Chair for Branch 160.
“We’re not sure how many, but we know there are veterans living in The Views, so there are excellent opportunities to support our veterans when we support all seniors.”
The Legion’s mission is, “to serve veterans, which includes serving military and RCMP members and their families, to promote remembrance and to serve our communities and our country.”
By making donations to support Residential Care in the Comox Valley, the Legion is following through on its mission, by supporting seniors, veterans, their families and their community.
There are currently 117 residents living in The Views, many of them sleeping on older beds and mattresses. Replacing 31 beds with state-of-the-art pressure-release mattresses and speciality beds will increase comfort and quality of life for many of our community’s frail and elderly.
To read more about the benefits of new beds and mattresses for The Views, click here.
To catch up on the latest news at the Comox Legion, click here.
To help purchase a new bed and mattress for The Views at St. Joseph’s, click here.
Alphena Franklin-Amor, a Resident in The Views, admires her view from her bed in Oceanview (McKinnon Photography).