Caring Spirit: Medical Day Care at St. Joseph's Hospital

The Medical Day Care team at St. Joseph's Hospital were recipients of a Caring Spirit Award for excellent patient care.

Congratulations to the staff at St. Joseph’s Hospital’s Medical Day Care who were recognized with a Caring Spirit Award in September for their excellent care and service to a long-time patient.

A grateful patient who had spent the last 12 years accessing services regularly at St. Joseph’s Hospital had moved away, but wanted to recognize the amazing care she had received for over a decade here in the Comox Valley.

St. Joseph’s Medical Day Care team was honoured by this long-time patient, who made a generous donation to the Foundation on behalf of her care, and wrote a beautiful card thanking them for their compassion and service over the years.

Maxine Bowerman, Clinical Coordinator of Ambulatory Care, was thrilled.

“I can’t say enough good things about my staff,” she said. “It is such a nice compliment to the staff to be recognized for doing what they do, and it just validates the great work, patient care and positive experiences our nurses provide regardless of the challenges they may face in their day.”

“It is a testament to their commitment to promoting and preserving a patient’s quality of life. I feel such pride in our team!”

Medical Day Care is an ambulatory clinic that helps patients avoid an unnecessary hospital admission for treatment. They provide medical interventions such as intravenous antibiotic therapy, central line care, some wound care, pre/post procedure care for interventional radiology, Home IV Antibiotic therapy support and patient teaching within an 11-hour period.

Caring Spirit is a grateful patient program that gives patients the opportunity to recognize outstanding care through a donation to the Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation in tribute of a caregiver at St. Joseph’s General Hospital.

Since the launch of the Caring Spirit program 100 physicians and staff have been recognized at St. Joseph’s Hospital.

To read more about the Caring Spirit recognition program, click here.

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Caring Spirit: St. Joseph's Laboratory Team


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