Totem Riders' Halloween Howl raises $2,500 (and lots of teddies) for kids at St. Joe's
Members of the Totem Riders Motorcycle Club present the teddy bears and donations they raised at their Halloween Howl last October for Maternal Child Unit at St. Joseph's Hospital to Meghan Liddle of Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation.
The Totem Riders Motorcycle Club ‘howled’ up $2,500 for sick kids at St. Joseph’s Hospital on Halloween, thanks to another successful Halloween Howl dance at the Comox Legion on Oct. 31.
Halloween Howl attendees were asked to drop off a new stuffed animal at the door on top of their ticket price, and managed to fill four extra large trash bags full of stuffies throughout the night for the Maternal Child Unit at St. Joseph’s. These teddies are then handed out to kids who visit the hospital, to make their stay a little less scary and a little less lonely.
Since 1996, the Totem Riders have donated over $16,000 to St. Joseph’s Hospital through their Teddy Bear Rides and Halloween Howl dances, as well as the thousands of dollars worth of stuffed animals and teddy bears they purchase for sick kids.
“The Totem Riders have played such a positive role at our hospital, especially when it comes to kids,” said Lynn Dashkewytch, executive director of Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation. “It’s incredible to think about the impact that the hundreds and thousands of teddies bears have had on so many of our community’s kids over the years, not to mention the equipment that their donations have helped purchase.”
“The really are an incredible group of people with the biggest hearts.”
Next year’s Halloween Howl is already set to be their biggest costume party yet, so make sure to mark it on your 2017 calendars and help the Totem Riders give back to our community hospital!