Knitted Knockers at Foundation Office
From left to right – Alena Sather (Cancer Care Unit Clerk), Lindsay James , RN, and Chantelle Booton, North Island College Student. Photo by Jim Peacock.
We are proud to offer Knitted Knockers free of charge to breast cancer patients. These handmade items are creations are donated by the Sunshine Circle Knitters of Powell River.
Knitted Knockers are…
Soft and comfortable
Washable and easy to wear
All sizes and colours
They are available from the Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation Office, on the main floor of Comox Valley Hospital on Tuesdays at 11:00 until Noon.
For more information please contact Lynn Dashkewytch at the CVHF ( / 250-331-5957) or Shirley Koleszar ( / 1-604-485-5540).
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