Movement is Life

On hand to celebrate the purchase of the new APT machine was Glacier View Resident Audrey Gardiner, with Chris Tithecott (Rehabilitation Assistant at Glacier View Lodge) and Lynn Dashkewytch (Executive Director Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation). Photo by Jim Peacock.

Thanks to the staff at Glacier View Lodge when they participate in the staff lottery they also help improve mobility and independence for the residents they support.

It is generally accepted that physical activity will in all likelihood delay the rate of aging and thus improve the quality of life. It is undoubtedly easier to prevent disease than to treat it. Exercising with the new APT – active passive trainer is wonderful new technology that residences can use from the comfort of a chair, wheelchair or scooter. Exercising with this equipment improves the mobility rate and therefore the degree of self-sufficiency in the performance of daily tasks.

“I’ve been active all my life says Audrey Gardiner – Glacier View Resident. This form of exercise is something I can do that is fun and helps make me feel good so I can enjoy more of the things I like.”

As a result of exercising with Apt the residents will improve their mobility and support the muscles needed to get out of bed, get out of a chair, walk independently, put on shoes and socks and in some cases climb stairs.

“Many residents have mobility issues and spend their day in a chair or their bed says Lynn Dashkewytch – Executive Director of Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation. Having specialty equipment and new technology to improve strength and mobility is so important.   We are very thankful for the support of the staff at both Glacier View and The Views at St. Joseph’s. Their donations provided the funding for this equipment and will directly enhance quality of life for the residents they care for. “

Caribou Creative
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Mr. Lube’s Supports our Foundation


Generous Donation from The Royal Canadian Legion Branch #17