Comox Legion donates to The Views to provide care for residents, including our Veterans

“The Comox Legion Branch 160 is pleased to present the Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation a $3500 donation for use by The Views to provide patient lifts. These funds were raised during the 2019 Poppy Campaign and are a portion of the $12 000+ donated locally this year thanks to the generosity of our local community. The 2020 poppy campaign runs from 30 October to November 11, please look for donation boxes located throughout our community, and wear a poppy proudly to remember those who have Served, and those who continue to Serve.” Poppy Chair Kent Gulliford.

“The generosity of the local Legion to donate poppy funds will go a long way to support the residents here at The Views, including the many Veterans who call this home. Stand lifts are mechanical lifts that enable residents to be raised up from a bed, chair, toilet or wheelchair for transfer or transportation. They provide safe mobility for residents who are unable to safely transfer or independently get themselves in or out of bed to the toilet or wheelchair. They also prevent injuries and are a completely safe method for the staff to use so they themselves do not get injured while transferring a resident” explained Michael Aikins.

For information on this year’s Poppy Campaign, please visit:
Click Here

Visit the Comox Legions Facebook page for more info:
Click Here

Comox Legion Branch 160 President Lynn Edey, Michael Aikins, Senior Operations Leader The Views, RCAF Brigadier-General R.W. Fentiman, Jessica Aldred, Executive Director, CVHF and Kent Gulliford, Poppy Chair.

Neill Lobdell, photographer Comox Legion.

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