Hope Afloat raises $1,205 in support of palliative care.
Over 18 years, Hope Afloat has donated more than $35,000.00 to Cancer Care and Palliative Care
through the Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation.
Formed in 2001, Hope Afloat Canada dragon boat racing team is made up of hard-working, fun-loving
women who have survived cancer. Their hope is to make a positive difference for women facing cancer,
through sharing the message that, “there is life, love and laughter after treatment”.
Hope Afloat cancer survivors paddle, and live in the Comox Valley and continue to support their
community. For many years, each October, in honour of Breast Cancer Month, the team has hosted Tag
Days – an event that raises funds for patient education and comfort care. Due to the Current COVID-19
Pandemic, Hope Afloat Canada recently hosted a virtual Tag Day, raising $1,205.00 in support of
palliative care, as two of their past members journeyed this path last year.
“We are a diverse group of energetic women who have shared a life-changing experience, and the
dragon boat is a symbol of our survivor-ship and strength. Each time we are on the water, we are
reminded that we are vital and alive, and we become aware of the rewards of exercise, teamwork and
personal accomplishment. We are honoured to present the Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation with
$1,205 towards palliative care in memory of some of our wonderful team members and friends.” – Barb
Book, Hope Afloat Canada Team Member
“I am inspired by these incredible women for their steadfast commitment to educating the public about
breast and other cancers, and in caring for others, here in the Comox Valley. Thank you for your
continuous philanthropy and for all that you do for our community.” stated Jessica Aldred, Executive
Director of the Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation.