Stockings for Seniors led by IG Wealth Management
We have full hearts and full stockings thanks to last week’s work party and thanks to everyone’s generous contributions toward Stockings for Seniors! Even primary students from Valleyview Elementary School got involved by decorating greeting cards. Click here to see our Facebook photo album of volunteers stuffing stockings.
Special mention to Baker & Associates Private Wealth Management and IG Wealth Management – Greater Vancouver Island for leading this kindness project for seniors with so much love and enthusiasm! Watch some of the action presented on Instagram.
Together we achieved our goal to fill 62 stockings with comfort items and treats, bringing holiday cheer to people living in non-profit long-term care homes and to those transitioning to long-term care from the hospital. Staff at Cumberland Lodge, Glacier View Lodge and at the Comox Valley Hospital chose the recipients based on people who would most benefit from this showing of kindness. Most of these seniors didn’t have family nearby during the holidays nor room in their budget for anything extra.
Stockings will be delivered to long-term care residents December 21st and 22nd.