Music Heals Supports Music Therapy at Cumberland Lodge
We’re so pleased to share that Music Heals Canada provided $5,000 toward Cumberland Lodge’s music therapy program earlier this year and we want to acknowledge how much this means to residents, caregivers, staff and all of us at the Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation!
Not only is music therapy a favourite activity for many residents simply because of the joy it offers, but the program also achieves specific therapeutic goals such as managing stress; reducing anxiety; alleviating pain; enhancing memory; improving communication; expressing feelings and promoting physical rehabilitation.
Additionally, research strongly supports the power of music and movement to provide meaningful stimulation for those living with dementia. Music can combat loneliness, boredom and isolation, and addresses grief and feelings of abandonment. Music therapy provides a safe platform for people to feel connected and experience the beauty and enjoyment of music.
Thank you for your support of long-term care in the Comox Valley over many years, Music Heals Canada, and most recently for your gift to Cumberland Lodge.
PHOTO: Music Therapist, Bethany Parsons, at Cumberland Lodge getting ready for one of her weekly sessions with residents.