Seeing Is Believing Photo Contest.
Over the coming weeks, we will be talking a lot about the power of pictures and how medical images are critical in providing information to guide care plans and treatment. More than half of the healthcare visits at the Comox Valley Hospital require medical imaging. Our team in Medical Imaging works closely with other hospital departments like the Emergency Department, Cancer Care, the Bone and Joint Clinic, Medical Day Care, and the Operating Room. Their pictures help your care providers really SEE and BELIEVE what is required to further your health.
As a way for our community to get involved, we are hosting a photo contest from today until November 24th.
At the Foundation, we feature a green leaf and a red heart in our logo… this, and all the magnificent leaves all around us, got us thinking that pictures of leaves will be the focus of our photo contest this year. Participating is as easy as 1-2-3:
Participating is as easy as 1-2-3:
1) Take a photo of a leaf (if it is heart-shaped, you could win an extra prize)
2) Post it on social media or send it via Messenger
3) Tag the Foundation @CVHealthcareFDN
Each Wednesday at noon, we will draw a winner based on everyone who posts a picture and tags the Foundation. The lucky winner will receive a beautiful bundle of cards by local artist, Nicola North! We have a special gift certificate and a gorgeous mug for the best image of a heart-shaped leaf judged at the end of the month! Nicola’s work so beautifully focuses on seeing… and magnifying the local wonders that surround us… perfect prizes for our SEEING IS BELIEVING photo contest!
So… leave us some leaves by popping us some pics… and help us build momentum around our medical imaging campaign.
The fine print: You can post on Facebook or Instagram. One winner will be chosen at random from entries received by noon on Nov 1, 8, 15, and 22 (four winners in total). Winners will be notified via Messenger on the formerly mentioned dates. The Foundation will also announce the winner of the best heart-shaped leaf on November 24th. This promotion is not endorsed by or affiliated with Facebook or Instagram.
Questions or comments about our photo contest?
Please be in touch! Click here to learn more about our medical imaging priorities for the Comox Valley Hospital.