What Your Donations Have Accomplished – Telehealth

Telehealth allows you to “meet” with your out-of town health care provider using a television screen or computer monitor, video camera and microphone, which operate over a secure network. This permits you and your health care provider to visit as if you were both in the same room.

Since 2007, this vital improvement in technology has been made possible from the Vancouver Island Lions Clubs to the Comox residents. Telehealth benefits our residents by:

  • Providing access to health care providers and services in the convenience and comfort of Comox

  • Keeping residents close to home

  • Reducing travel time and costs

  • Providing access to education on prevention and wellness

  • Giving you a choice to meet with your health care
    provider by Telehealth or in person

  • Providing access to health care providers and services in the convenience and comfort of Comox

  • Keeping residents close to home

  • Reducing travel time and costs

  • Providing access to education on prevention and wellness

  • Giving you a choice to meet with your health care provider by Telehealth or in person

Total Number of Telehealth Consultations in Comox

From 2007-2010 (Oct) – 915
Number of km’s avoided – 400,770
Total kgs of greenhouse gas omissions avoided – 110,992

Through patient satisfaction surveys, 97% of patients have indicated they are very satisfied with their Telehealth sessions. In addition, these surveys indicate that Telehealth fills a service gap. At least 8% of the patients receiving specialist care through Telehealth would not have been able to travel to the specialist; if Telehealth had not been an option, they would not have pursued the required care.

Caribou Creative
Hello. We're Caribou Creative, a graphic design studio in the Comox Valley that wholeheartedly believes successful businesses stem from great design. Our focus is on identity, print, packaging and web design.

Anna Jorgensen's Free Hug! Campaign


Courtenay Legion Branch 17 Donation