How Your Donations Have Helped

Pictured above is the new Pulmonary Function Testing System with Lenore Cook – Comox Valley resident and St. Joseph’s Staff Sara Ferchuk – Respiratory Therapist. (Photo courtesy of Jim Peacock)

Equipment Purchased

We are incredibly grateful to the community that supports our Hospital Foundation year after year. Because of the generosity St. Joseph’s was able to enhance technology and improve patient care. Some examples of the new equipment recently purchased:

Pulmonary Function Testing System – $78,000
This new machine allows for bariatric testing and is wheelchair accessible. This advanced technology can combine tests into one maneuver to allow ease of testing and decreases the time needed for testing.

Holter Monitor System – $20,000

Three additional Pulse Oximeters – $ 4,500

All the new equipment will provide many patient benefits that include:

  • – Decreased wait times for treatment

  • – Ease and comfort in use

  • – Highly accurate reading

  • – Faster and more efficient patient testing

This latest technology and the new stress test machines will be available to transfer to the new Hospital and will be capable of connecting to the Island-wide electronic health records system. Patients ECG records from other Hospitals on the Island and will be available to their local physicians and specialists on a computer network. This means reduced travel time, speedy assessments, and valuable communication between hospitals, physicians and staff.

With your support we can reach the goal of raising the $80,000 needed to purchase the 2 new stress test machines. Please consider supporting this request by kindly returning your donation in the self – stamped envelope provided. The Cardiac/Pulmonary Services team and all of us at St. Joseph’s and Island Health thank you in advance.

Together, we are able to offer new technology and healthcare options that may have been years away or, perhaps not available. We wish to sincerely thank you for your consideration. Your donations help make healthcare better for your community.

Expansion of the Cancer Care Unit

Was completed April 2015. The new space will accommodate five treatment areas, a patient center area and room for the additional equipment. These changes will ensure sustainable healthcare in the area of cancer support is available for our loved ones for the next 4 years until cancer diagnostic and treatment moves to the new Island Health Comox Valley Hospital in 2017. The renovation and new equipment was needed to address the growing need for services. In 2007 when the unit was built St. Joseph’s had 1408 cancer care patient visits. Last year this number grew to over 4600.

The equipment needed will be available to transfer to the new Hospital.

St. Joseph’s/Hospice at the Views

Opening July 2015 – The Residential Hospice will be a place where those who are dying receive compassionate end of life care in a private and comfortable home like setting. This renovation to The Views will accommodate 4 private rooms as well as a warm and inviting space for families.

The St. Joseph’s/Hospice at the Views will have a separate entrance and a lovely outdoor deck that will be accessible from all the rooms. Most importantly, people will be cared for by specially trained staff to meet the medical, emotional and spiritual needs of the person that is dying, their family members and loved ones.

It is important that we acknowledge and recognize the contributions of so many – the Hospice Society; Island Health; Ministry of Health; St. Joseph’s Hospital; St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation; the individuals, churches, organizations and businesses within our community; and the Diocese of the Catholic Church who have permitted this Palliative/Hospice facility to be built on land connected to The Views.

Caribou Creative
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Help Save a Life: Why New Cardiac Care Equipment is Needed


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