Help Save a Life: Why New Cardiac Care Equipment is Needed

Pictured above is The St. Joseph’s Cardio Pulmonary Services team with representatives from St. Joseph’s Hospital and The St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation. Back Row L to R: Eric Macdonald – St. Joseph’s VP Finance with Craig Dickson – Clinical Chief Respiratory Therapy, Lynn Dashkewytch – St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation, Beth Cosgrove and Sandra Turnham – Cardiology Technologists, Wanda McMillan – Department Manager, Sara Ferchuk – Respiratory Therapist, Jane Murphy – President/CEO St. Joseph’s Hospital, Front row L to R: Kate Nesbit – Clerk/Reception, Kellie Woodruff, Cassie Lescorbeau and Christina Welp – Cardiology Technologists. Missing from photo, Candace Fourneau – ECG Assistant, Lisa Eskilsson – Cardiology Technologist, Lori Larson, Linn East and Tiffany McPhee – Respiratory Therapists

Every day our Emergency Department moves into action to assess and treat patients with complaints of chest pain and shortness of breath Heart attack, lung attack and stroke devastates the lives of patients and those who love them. According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation 1 in 3 Canadians will die from heart disease and stroke and many more live with its effects.

The total population in the Comox Valley is expected to increase 32.2% by 2030, while, within the same timeframe, the population of 75+ years is expected to increase 92.8%. With a growing population and aging demographic, heart and lung disease is on the rise. Fortunately, today there are many innovative treatments and medical testing to help patients in preventing, diagnosing and treating heart attacks and strokes.

“Having the new Cardio/Pulmonary Services and the latest cardiac equipment to treat patients is critical to providing great care and saving lives,” explained Jane Murphy, President/CEO of St. Joseph’s General Hospital. “St. Joseph’s must continually update the equipment and technology to ensure that the people of the Comox Valley receive the very best care today and through the transition to the new hospital.”

St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation has pledged $185,000 to purchase the new technology needed to enhance patient care. We are within $80,000 of the goal! With your support we can reach this goal and ensure this new equipment will be available for patients today when they need it most now and into the future. The new equipment will allow the Cardio/Pulmonary medical team at St. Joseph’s to reach a new level of technology in diagnosis and monitoring.

The new equipment still needed for the unit includes:

  • Stress test machines – $80,000

This equipment will provide many patient benefits that include:

  • – Decreased wait times for treatment

  • – Highly accurate readings

  • – Faster and more efficient patient testing

  • – Allows data to be stored on-line for access throughout Island Health e-Health data base system

The new stress test machines will be located in the new Cardio Pulmonary Services that just opened at St. Joseph’s. This new department is part of the space management initiative supported by Island Health and Comox Strathcona Regional Hospital District and St. Joseph’s Hospital. The initiative is a proactive approach to help support the growing needs in healthcare now as we transition to the new Comox Valley Hospital in 2017. All the new equipment will transfer to the new Comox Valley Hospital when it opens.

Thank you for choosing to partner with us in our quest to enhance the Cardiac /Pulmonary technology for for our families and loved ones. Together we can enhance the level of care and meet the growing needs in our community today and in the future.

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