Legacy and Planned Gifts

A bequest made to St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation makes a difference in all our lives.

A person intending to make a donation in their estate plan has several available options to explore, depending on their personal wishes and circumstances.

Options may include:

• A gift in a will specifying that a certain sum of money, a particular asset or a portion of an estate will be directed towards the Hospital;

• Life insurance can be an excellent way to fund a donation without diluting the estate or depriving loved ones. At the end of the donor’s lifetime insurance proceeds are paid directly to the Foundation;

• An RRSP or RRIF funds can name a charity such as St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation as the beneficiary, and the donor’s estate will receive a tax credit sufficient to offset the taxes incurred when the plan is redeemed;

• Publicly traded securities—stocks, bonds, mutual funds—may also be transferred to such a charity.

Other options are available for those who intend to make planned charitable giving an aspect of their estate planning. If you are inclined to support St. Joseph’s in this fashion, there are many emerging opportunities that financial advisors, accountants and lawyers are aware of to assist you.

Contact Us

For more information contact St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation

2137 Comox Ave, Comox BC, V9M 1P2



Caribou Creative
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Legacy Gift: Mel and Frances Thomas


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